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Lucy is a happy and free little cat born in Mach 2023.Now I missing her. Want her back.Please help Lucy back our warm home.

Lucy went out of my home at 10:30Pm 21/01/2025.And then I lost her.She no longer came back home again.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2025-01-21
Address: 606 W 70th Avenue
City: Vancouver, V6P 2X1
State/Province: British Columbia, Canada
49.208029, -123.1192302

Pet details


Her name is Maggie -She’s tan/black -she large/ weighs 29kg -German shepherd -female -friendly/energetic -not shy/curious

She slipped out of her collar so she doesn’t have her tags on. Last seen McGregor and selkrik ave

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2025-01-13
Address: 472 selkrik ave
City: Winnipeg , R2w2K1
State/Province: Manitoba, Canada

Pet details


Large dog, like scooby do

In the yard with his companion Daisy

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2025-01-06
Address: 178 Curling street
City: Corner Brook, A2h3j3
State/Province: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Pet details


Daisy206 yellow female lab

In the yard, with her companion Dalton

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2025-01-06
Address: 178 Curling street
City: Corner Brook, A2H 3J1
State/Province: Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
48.956104, -57.98248

Pet details


Caniche Royal brun chocolat 60lbs

Nous nous promenions dans le bois à côté de la maison

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-12-21
Address: 17 rue King
City: Shannon, G3S 1H4
State/Province: Quebec, Canada
49.321389, -71.5376673

Pet details


Nuage est gris et blanc, avec un collier et la médaille rouge de SOS Lost pets. Il ressemble à une femelle à cause de son opération et de ses blocages urinaires. Il mange de l à nourriture pour les problèmes urinaires. Il a l'habitude de sortir dans Hochelaga (rue de Ville-Marie entre Adam et LaFontaine)

Nuage s'est sauvé après être allé chez le vétérinaire, il était très stressé. Je l'ai vu sur un balcon de la rue Adam le 30 novembre vers 13h. Il est probablement caché dans la ruelle entre Viau, Adam, Ville-Marie et Lafontaine dans Hochelaga

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-11-30
Address: 4989 Rue Adam
City: Montréal, H1V 1W4
State/Province: Quebec, Canada
45.5585029999999, -73.53142

Pet details

Primary breed :
Secondary breed :
Primary color : Silver
Secondary color : White
Neutered : Yes
Microchip # : 956000004894808
Tattoo :
License :

Email : [email protected]
Tel : 5142388512
Cell : 5142388512



casper is male, white, orange and beige on his tail.

he was let out around 1 am in the river district area in vancouver and usually returns by morning, it has been over a day and he still has not returned

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-08-11
Address: 2378 Harrison Drive
City: Vancouver, V5P 2P7
State/Province: British Columbia, Canada
49.209098, -123.05803

Pet details

Email : [email protected]
Cell :



2 years old, male, Gray with black short fur. Can be aggressive at times but he loves being pet

Front door was left open while he was looking out the window, he ended up getting out without anyone realizing on the way back inside (he likes to run outside a lot, we try to keep him indoors due to this reason)

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-08-03
Address: 469 McLeod Street
City: North Bay, P1B 5S6
State/Province: Ontario, Canada
46.3186774000000, -79.46002

Pet details

Primary breed : Domestic cat short hair
Primary color : Brown
Secondary color : Black
Neutered : Yes

Email : [email protected]
Cell :




He was in the yard just laying in the grass. He doesn't normally leave the yard or go very far.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-07-28
Address: 65-615 2nd St East
City: Brooks , T1R 0M8
State/Province: Alberta, Canada
50.572718, -111.8922146

Pet details

Primary color : Gray
Neutered : Yes

Email : [email protected]
Cell :



FIDO est le chat le plus gentil que vous trouverez jamais. Il ronronne comme une micheline et vient se frotter contre toutes les jambes qui s'approchent de lui.

Fido s'est perdu avant hier dans les faubourgs de Toronto.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-07-12
Address: 97 Lawton Boulevard
City: Toronto, M4V 1Z6
State/Province: Ontario, Canada
43.69353, -79.39622

Pet details


He is a husky with brown and white hair ,big ears and a large mouth

I wasn’t here I was in Peru I leave my dog with my dad’s friend,and then I got a call from him and he said that when he was walking with my dog something happens with the necklace and blue run away and we still without find him

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-07-02
Address: 313 carnarvon st New Westminster
City: Vancouver , V3L 1B9
State/Province: British Columbia, Canada
43.695138, -79.381268499999

Pet details



Black and brown German Shepherd husky.

we had to move and we had someone who we thought we could trust. Say that they would take him and then they told us that they had to get rid of him and hopefully he got adopted and we’ve called around to different locations and nobody knows of my dog.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-07-01
Address: 230 wigle avenue
City: Kingsville , N9Y2J9
State/Province: Ontario, Canada

Pet details



He slipped out the patio door. Usually he comes right back but we haven’t seen him since.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-06-12
Address: 295 Rue Émile
City: Laval, H7N 4M3
State/Province: Quebec, Canada

Pet details


Bali6 grey tabi. 3 years. Female. Small.

Probably chasing birds she saw out the window. Child opened the door and she ran.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-04-24
Address: 1567 Bob Schram Way
City: London, N6G 3K2
State/Province: Ontario, Canada
18.245417, -15.9296757

Pet details


Flake, a 3-legged male. He is very* affectionate, independent and assertive. He does not do well with other animals. Flake didn't have his SOS tag on when he went missing. He had only a collar, with a tag (black round) bearing his name and my phone number. He is microchipped. I'm in Europe at the moment until June. You can contact me via FB, my profile name: Malgorzata Osi

MISSING: Last seen in the area of Greenery Garden in Kelowna, near Mail Road. He is a three-legged, off-white, long-haired male with blue eyes. Flake is affectionate but assertive. If you find him, please take him to the nearest vet to scan his microchip, or call or text me using the number engraved on his collar tag. What happened: As I was refused to take my cat on a plane by WestJet just 3 days before the flight, Flake had very little time to get adjusted to my friend's house (and his cat). He was kept indoors for 1 week until April 21, and once he was let outside on Apr.22 (he was staying at a vineyard), he never came back.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-04-22
Address: 130 Mail Road
City: Kelowna, V1V 2H2
State/Province: British Columbia, Canada
49.918349, -119.421

Pet details

Primary color : Off white
Neutered : Yes
Microchip # : 982000407826599

Email : [email protected]
Tel : 7809930010
Cell : 7802811545



Coco120 white bangle with brown and black spots

White bengal cat got out the house

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-04-16
Address: 16609 Keystone Pl
City: Bakersfield , 93314
State/Province: California, USA
33.951900, -118.0861828

Pet details



Chatte stérilisé, poils long, yeux verts

Marina Bas du Fort, Guadeloupe, Quai 9 , le 8 avril 2024

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-04-08
Address: route du bas du fort
City: point a pitre, Guadeloupe, France, 97110
State/Province: Alberta, Canada

Pet details


Mix of grey white and black with white face and chest

Got out of my house at night

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-03-04
Address: 411 Lori St
City: Windsor , N8S 3Y3
State/Province: Ontario, Canada

Pet details


Salt and Pepper fur, Black stripes, Manx (no tail), 12lb

Last seen 9pm January 7. He left the apartment to do his usual nightly thing.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2024-01-07
Address: 201 Laval street
City: Coquitlam , V3k4w2
State/Province: British Columbia, Canada

Pet details


Rosie Female american bull dog cross Ash brown Dark brown around the eye

She was in her leash outside when I went back out to get her she had to be unhooked from the lock wherebshe was tied up to. Her leash was gone. Haven't seen her since.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2023-12-18
Address: 10 Ingram st
City: Chatham, N7l 3n5
State/Province: Ontario, Canada
42.405207, -82.1958652

Pet details

Primary breed : American Bulldog
Primary color : Appricot
Neutered : No
Microchip # : 1019380540
License : 982091067736684

Email : [email protected]
Tel :
Cell : 5197845866


I have a lot of anxiety but treats and pats will help me calm down. Please call my owner Victoria!

Toffi was let outside off leash without me knowing with another dog. He was then taken by a coyote

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2023-11-16
Address: 11 Willow Drive
City: Spruce Grove, T7Y 1A8
State/Province: Alberta, Canada
53.40112, -113.665495

Pet details

Primary breed : Shih Tzu
Primary color : Chocolate
Neutered : Yes

Email : [email protected]
Cell : 7807084414



Rocky Male sterile, affectueux Chat tout gris poils court 12 lbs, ville Adstock, QC

Disparu depuis le 7 octobre 2023

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2023-10-07
No correct address provided
46.013277, -71.2055455

Pet details

Neutered : Yes

Email : [email protected]


British Long Hair White furr; has a bit of black furr on her back.

She was home and door was open when people came to pick up donation boxes in the afternoon.

Date et location de l'évènement:

Date: 2023-10-03
Address: 78 Glen Springs Drive
City: Scarborough, M1w1x8
State/Province: Ontario, Canada
43.801576, -79.3226234

Pet details